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Mario Kart 8
Bild: Nintendo

It’s almost MAR10 Day and Nintendo is celebrating with a selection of discounts on key Mario (und Freunde) titles on the US eShop.

There’s nothing here that’s going to particularly blow your socks off — especially as the likelihood is you’ve bought, played and cherished most of the games on sale already — but you might want to hop onto Mario Kart 8 Deluxe für $39.99 ahead of the first DLC drop if you’re one of the three remaining people yet to purchase the game.

Here’s a run down of the discounts:

If you want to save even more on these great games, make sure to stock up on discounted eShop credit at our store. Just enter code die du noch nicht ausprobiert hast to get 10% off any of the options below!

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Is there anything here that takes your fancy? If you’re in the market for some other Mario related goodies, be sure to check out our run down of the best Super Mario gift ideas!