Mega Man #54 Vorschauseiten, Veröffentlichungen in dieser Woche

Proto Man working for Dr Wily? And he’s about to kidnap Kalinka?? I think I know where this is going!

MEGA MAN’s long lost brother RETURNS inRed Shift”: Break Man answers the call of… ein Geist?! How is it possible that Dr. Wily is STILL alive?! And what haunting secret will he use to keep Break Man under his control? It’s up to Blues to do some soul-searching! Will he remain broken, or will he finally become a hero like his brother? Featuring cover art by long-time Mega Man artist PatrickSpazSpaziante and a Proto Man variant cover by comics superstar Brent McCarthy!

Script: Ian Flynn

Kunst: Ryan Jampole, Gary Martin, John Workman & Matt Herms

Decken: Patrick Spaziante

Variant Cover: Brent McCarthy

On Sale Date: 10/21

32-page, full color comic

$3.99 U.s.

I love how Wily admits he has backups upon backups, fully prepared to lose battle after battle but intent on winning the war. Also enjoy the pieces of various enemies and in-progress Robot Masters.

Curious to see where this tut go, since a direct MM5 retelling doesn’t seem likelyso what will Proto Man do? Read on in Archie’s Mega Man!

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