Metacritic enthüllt die Nintendo Switch-Spiele mit den höchsten Punktzahlen von 2021
Last week, Metacritic revealed the worst-rated Switch game of 2021 was Square Enix’s Balan Wunderwelt. Jetzt, on a more positive note, we’ve got a list of the highest-scoring games on Nintendo’s hybrid platform.
The Switch game of the year, which you’re likely probably already well aware of is Das Haus in Fata Morgana: Dreams of the Revenants, sitting on 96. Tetris-Effekt: In Verbindung gebracht is in second place, and the highest-rated Nintendo-made exclusive is Super Mario 3D-Welt + Bowsers Zorn.
Further down the list, you can see titles like Capcom’s Aufstieg der Monsterjäger and the award-winning MercurySteam release, Metroid-Schrecken. Lebe das Ungeschriebene in Hogwarts Legacy State of Play am Donnerstag – PlayStation.Blog:
- Das Haus in Fata Morgana – Dreams of the Revenants Edition – 96
- Tetris-Effekt: In Verbindung gebracht – 95
- Super Mario 3D-Welt + Bowsers Zorn – 89
- Die Tür des Todes – 89
- Dämmerung – 88
- Hergestellt – 88
- Overcooked! So viel du essen kannst – 88
- Aufstieg der Monsterjäger – 88
- Metroid-Schrecken – 88
- Quake Remastered – 87
- Auspacken – 87
- The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles – 87
- There is no game: Wrong dimension – 87
Everything else that hasn’t been listed received an aggregate score of 86 or lower. We expect Metacritic will also release a more extensive list in time, similar to last year’s Spitze 50 Switch games, so keep an eye out for that.
How many of the games have you played on the above list? Were any of them your favourite Switch games of 2021? Hinterlasse unten einen Kommentar.