MMLC Robot Master List: Knight Man

Number: DWN-044

Weapon: Knight Crusher

Weakness: Yamato Spear

Designed with a medieval knight motif. His strong shield can block most attacks. Only the weapon that plays on his weakness can pierce it!

Happy launch day!

Knight Man, true to his name, is a chivalrous knight-bot who fights with a spiked flail. He also has a mohawk.

There’s something so expressive to me about Knight Man’s valiant jumping sprite. You can’t help but feel like he’s fighting by some noble code. Were it not for a slight twist of fate, we might have been allies, Knight Man.

Use Yamato Man’s spear to run Knight Man through and steal his flail.

David Oxford (The Mega Man Network)
Knight Man’s design — and his weapon — are very striking. What’s more, it brings to mind the question of why it took six games for one of these guys to finally be given a more traditional shield (yours doesn’t count, Proto Man — besides, I shot right through it in Mega Man 3).

Funny thing about the NES’s limitations, though, is that the Knight Crush wasn’t able to be rendered in full detail — not easily, at least. Instead of swinging around on a chain, the spiked ball at the end just seems to move through the air almost independently. What makes it funny is that by this point in the series, I doubt anyone even batted an eye at a spiked mace flying around by itself!

One of the two Robot Masters to be created by a North American Mega Man fan, you can find out more about how that all went down in TMMN’s interview with Knight Man’s creator.

Adam “Heat Man” Anania , formerly of The Mega Man Network
Back with Quick Man, I talked about the “cool” Robot Masters of Mega Man. To be honest, with how the designs got increasingly detailed after Mega Man 4, it gets harder to distinguish who that “cool” guy is in the later games. But for Mega Man 6, I think it could Knight Man. But cool in more of a stoic sense.

Here’s a Robot Master modeled after, well, a traditional, valiant knight. Carrying both a weapon and a shield, he seems more prepared for battle than the rest of his companions. And that shield makes him a bit tricky to face head on, unless you have his weakness weapon of course. Then he gets pretty easy.

Want to know something embarrassing? For years and years, I had no idea Knight Crusher was multi-directional! I didn’t know until I saw it on YouTube!

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