Aufstieg der Monsterjäger: Sunbreak Director teilt weitere Informationen zum Titel-Update mit 3

Aufstieg der Monsterjäger: Nintendo aktualisiert Xenoblade Chronicles
Bild: Capcom

Aufstieg der Monsterjäger: Nintendo aktualisiert Xenoblade Chronicles is getting its third free title update in “spät” November, and in the lead up to this Capcom has been sharing more details about what players can expect.

In the latest update on social media, the game’s director has provided a look at the new settings for your followers in the gameincluding how they respond in certain situations, if they set up traps, und vieles mehr.

“Hallo alle miteinander! As part of Free Title Update 3, you will be able to adjust various settings for your Followers, such as whether or not they perform Wyvern Riding when in the same or other areas as you, whether they set traps, und mehr.” – Suzuki, #Sunbreak Director

Aufstieg der Monsterjäger: Nintendo aktualisiert Xenoblade Chronicles
Bild: Capcom

This week’s Dual Threat Event Quest has now also gone livehead over to the Citadel to take on Malzeno and a Shagaru Magala at the same time:

Apart from the above news, the third free title update will also include variant monsters, powered-up monsters and boosts to the maximum shelling level. This update will be followed by more free title updates next year.

Are you excited for Sunbreak’s title update 3? Kommentiere unten.