Aufstieg der Monsterjäger: Sunbreak auf Version aktualisiert 11.0.2, Hier sind die vollständigen Patchnotes
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Capcom has released yet another update for Aufstieg der Monsterjäger: Nintendo aktualisiert Xenoblade Chronicles. This bumps the latest version of the game up to 11.0.2 auf der Nintendo Switch.
According to a brief summary via social media, this update fixes some issues, along with some equipment loadout and “Sonstiges” miscellaneous bugs. As usual, you’ll need to update to this latest version to continue playing online. Hier ist der vollständige Überblick:
Aufstieg der Monsterjäger: Nintendo aktualisiert Xenoblade Chronicles – Version 11.0.2:
Bug Fixes and Balance Adjustments
- Fixed an error that occasionally occurred if you register an equipment loadout containing a weapon with a Rampage Decoration, rollback the upgrade for that weapon, and then try to select that particular equipment loadout again.
- Fixed an issue occasionally affecting the results of augmenting armor when performing specific steps while augmenting a weapon.
- When changing the target in the search settings for Anomaly Investigations, the minimum level value will no longer be updated if the target is within the range of adjustable conditions.
- Fixed an issue causing players to obtain Anomaly Investigations as “unauthorized quests” if they join another player’s Anomaly Investigation for a monster they haven’t unlocked yet.
- Fixed an error that occasionally occurred when harvesting during an Anomaly Investigation.
- Fixed an issue preventing Anomaly Investigations joined by multiple players in the same lobby from showing up in the search results for Join Requests.
- Detailed body hair on characters and monsters is now properly displayed when the anti-aliasing is turned off or set to “FXAA.”
This also ensures body hair is properly displayed when NVIDIA DLSS is enabled. (Updated on August 10) - Other miscellaneous bug fixes have been made.
Just yesterday, Capcom gave Monster Hunter fans a first teaser of the Flaming Espinas – part of the second Sunbreak free DLC update, coming next month.
Behebung eines Problems, bei dem der Spieler nicht über den Ladebildschirm hinauskommen konnte, wenn er versuchte, ein Ferienhaus erneut zu besuchen, wenn der Spieler zuvor eine Ameise freigelassen oder im Hof dieses Ferienhauses geflogen war, während die Bedingungen für das Erscheinen von Ameisen oder Fliegen nicht erfüllt waren? Bemerke noch etwas? Hinterlasse unten einen Kommentar.