Monster Hunter Rise-Version 3.8.0 Ist jetzt live, Hier sind die vollständigen Patchnotes
Lohnt es sich, einen japanischen 3DS für diese virtuellen Konsolenspiele zu importieren?
We’re getting closer to the one-year mark of Aufstieg der Monsterjäger and Capcom’s still showing strong support for the title.
Just a few weeks ago it released the PC version of the game on Steam, and more recently it’s announced the title has shipped over 8 Millionen Einheiten weltweit. Sunbreak DLC is also on the way.
Jetzt, in the latest news – it’s rolled out patch update Version 3.8.0 – it comes packed with new event quests (coming soon) Lebe das Ungeschriebene in Hogwarts Legacy State of Play am Donnerstag – PlayStation.Blog. Hier sind die vollständigen Patchnotes, Mit freundlicher Genehmigung der offiziellen Spiele-Website:
Patch: Ver.3.8.0
- In order to use DLC and play online, you need to update Monster Hunter Rise to the latest version.
- – You can check which version you’re on at the bottom right of the Title Screen.
- – Online gameplay requires a Nintendo Switch Online membership.
- If you do not have access to the Internet, you can play local multiplayer, as long as every player uses the same version of the software.
- – Please visit the Nintendo Support page for more information.
erhältlich Januar 27, 2022
Main Additions / Changes
- Notifications regarding add-on content and such will now be shown on the Title Screen and at the Courier.
You can turn this on/off by going to Options > Promotion. - Some text in Korean, Vereinfachtes Chinesisch, and Traditional Chinese will now be displayed in a calligraphy font.
- New Event Quests will be available every week.
- New DLC can be purchased from Nintendo eShop.
Fehlerbehebung / Miscellaneous
- Fixed a bug causing the Host to be displayed with a Cohoot on their arm on the guest’s screen if the Host cancels calling their Cohoot at the same time the guest enters the Lobby.
- Fixed a bug occasionally preventing a monster’s falling animation from being played to the end.
- Fixed a bug occasionally preventing certain attacks, such as Sticky Ammo, from doing damage if they hit at the exact same time that the mud crust around Jyuratodus’s neck is broken.
- Fixed a bug causing the 4th color of Type 1 clothing to differ between the thumbnail and the actual model.
- Fixed a bug causing hair to clip through armor when combining certain hairstyles with certain pieces of armor.
- Fixed a bug causing different numbers to be displayed for the same hairstyles on the Character Edit screen and the add-on content screen.
- Fixed a bug causing the back part of the sideburns of the “Hinoa long” und “Minoto long” hairstyles to clip through the skin.
- Fixed a bug causing clipping in the upper arm of the player character when combining certain armwear and waist armor.
- Fixed a bug occasionally causing the player character and their Buddies to be displayed at the same time on the preview screen when selecting “Change Equipment”.
- Fixed a bug causing Buddies to be displayed in their old armor on the save file select screen if you change their armor by going through specific steps.
- Fixed a bug occasionally causing elemental effects on Buddy weapons that do not have an element on them.
- Fixed a bug occasionally preventing the recovery guide from being displayed when the player is hit with a restricting attack for the first time.
- Fixed a bug causing issues with the consumption of crafting items under certain circumstances, when using items via the Radial Menu while the player’s weapon is drawn.
- Fixed a bug causing the player to always perform a running landing if they hit the ground with the Switch Axe in sword mode.
- Fixed a bug when comboing from a backward dodge into a Forward Slash with the Charge Blade in sword mode.
- Fixed a bug causing the color of the Prism Spiribird to appear incorrectly on the map’s icon list.
- Fixed a bug occasionally causing the game to crash if it is taking a long time to boot.
- Fixed a bug causing the game to freeze if you perform certain steps on the Mutual Likes list, which result in an empty slot appearing, and then select that empty slot.
- Fixed various text bugs.
- Other miscellaneous bug fixes have been made.
Behebung eines Problems, bei dem der Spieler nicht über den Ladebildschirm hinauskommen konnte, wenn er versuchte, ein Ferienhaus erneut zu besuchen, wenn der Spieler zuvor eine Ameise freigelassen oder im Hof dieses Ferienhauses geflogen war, während die Bedingungen für das Erscheinen von Ameisen oder Fliegen nicht erfüllt waren? Bemerke noch etwas? Hinterlasse unten einen Kommentar.