Mortal Kombat feiert 30 Jahre voller Todesopfer, Freundschaften und makellose Siege

Mortal Kombat
Bild: NetherRealm

The fighting genre is about to enter the next generation with games like Tekken 8 und Street Fighter 6. One other series, bestimmtes, that’s played a huge part in evolving the scene over the years is the violent and bloody Mortal Kombat. Es auch led to the formation of the ESRB in the US, which saw age ratings assigned to video games.

Jetzt, 30 Jahre später, co-creator Ed Boon and NetherRealm Studios are celebrating the series’ 30jähriges Jubiläum. Since the original Mortal Kombat made its debut in arcades on 8. Oktober, 1992 the series has skyrocketed to become one of the most popular video game franchises of all time. There’s been more than 20 Spiele, multiple movies, and even some spin-offs along the way.

Im Rahmen der Feierlichkeiten, the team has released a special trailer featuring a number of highlights and thanking fans around the globe for supporting the series over the years.

NetherRealm says this is just the beginning of the seriesbig anniversary. As for what’s next, Ed Boon earlier this week mentioned how the focus would be on “30 Jahre” for now, and the “next game announcementwill be separate from these celebrations.

If you’re looking for some Mortal Kombat action on the Nintendo Switch, the Switch eShop version of Mortal Kombat 11 is currently on sale in certain parts of the world.

Erzähl uns, what are your memories of the Mortal Kombat series over the past 30 Jahre? When did you first start playing this legendary fighting series? Hinterlasse unten einen Kommentar.