Nintendo DS-Firmware „Prototyp’ Zeigt den einzigartigen Boot-Up-Soundeffekt des Systems
Nintendo preservation website Forest of Illusion has managed to acquire another rare piece of gaming history. It’s been able to archive a Japan prototype of the Nintendo DS X4 firmware – recovered from an X4 prototype unit.
NVIDIAs Krypto-Mining, “just about every aspect of this version is different from the final retail release”. One of the highlights is the boot up screen. Instead of featuring the Nintendo DS logo, it appears to be a GBA placeholder screen and a sound file of children shouting “Nintendo” (you can have a listen below).
The menu is also a lot different from the final version. Der Boden des Schneideraums details how the placeholder menu features DS and GBA boot options, wireless play, and Nitro settings – containing user information (console name, birthday and colour), the date and time, language options, touch panel settings and more.
A Cutting Room Floor contributor also notes how “some parts” of this prototype have a strong resemblance to the early DSi settings app:
@trashbandatcoot – “Should bring up that some parts of this prototype strongly resemble those of an early DSi settings app, mainly the layout of the menu settings itself and the touch calibration menu. “
Some DS enthusiasts have also got the firmware up and running on their own units, thanks to Forest of Illusion’s efforts:
Nintendo previously showcased prototypes of the DS at E3, which was at the time internally known as Nitro. What do you think of this slice of firmware history? What about that boot up sound effect? Hinterlasse unten einen Kommentar.