Die am meisten erwarteten Spiele von Nintendo Life für 2023 (Das ist nicht Zelda)
It’s that time of the year again where we all turn backwards to appreciate the good things about 2022, but also start to look forward to the brand new year ahead, full of video game releases and surprises. And yes, when you think “2023” und “Videospiele”, we know that one obvious answer comes to mind: The Legend of Zelda: Tränen des Königreichs, the long-awaited and hyped to high heaven sequel to Atem der Wildnis.
But you already know that we’re excited for Zelda, so we canvassed the Nintendo Life team to find out what anders is on our wishlists for 2023…
Online wechseln, Angestellter Autor
Perhaps to no one’s surprise, a lot of my most anticipated games are the indies that look like they’re going to be really special. That includes games like Feenfarm, Venba, und Erzähler — one’s a farming game, one’s a cooking game, and one is a sort of… point-and-click story generation puzzle game? I don’t honestly know what to expect from Storyteller, but I know it’s my jam, and I wonder if it’s going to have a similar vibe to Buße, one of my non-Switch GOTYs this year.
A special shout out to Der mutige Knappe, which is a particularly enticing piece of eye candy that looks like it’s going to dominate video game discussion when it comes out some time in 2023. It’s got this really wonderful 2D-3D hybrid thing going on, with a storybook art style that I think I’m going to love. Auch, Dämonenschule, which is, gerade, UGH, so gorgeous. I wrote about it here, so just go and read my hands-on opinions!
In the AAA corner, it’s games like Pikmin 4, Geschichte der Jahreszeiten: Ein wunderbares Leben, und… Hm, that’s about it. I don’t play a lot of the big releases during their launch year, honestly, so I’ll probably end up playing one of the GOTYs from years past like Red Dead Redemption 2. Oh, und Baldur’s Gate III! Buuuuut that’s not coming to Switch. It might, obwohl, one day…
Ollie Reynolds, Angestellter Autor
I have to admit that I had to look up exactly what’s on the horizon for the Switch in 2023, because right now, wie viele andere, there’s a Tränen des Königreichs shaped tsunami looming in the distance and it’s all I’m able to think about.
Having said that, once I reminded myself of what’s coming out, I’m pleasantly surprised by how many games I plan on adding to my collection. At the top of the list is probably Person 4: Golden, a game that I haven’t played since I (regrettably) sold my PS Vita several years ago. I didn’t pick up Person 5 königlich because I already own it on the PS4, but you can bet I’ll be downloading Persona 4 the moment it launches in a little over a month.
Anderswo, I’m really looking forward to seeing what Hier ist etwas, was wir nicht erwartet haben dreht sich alles um, though I admittedly probably won’t get that one on the Switch given the severe downgrades it will almost inevitably be subjected to. Rachsüchtiger Wächter: Moonrider looks like a fantastic retro game that’ll definitely be going on the list, and like Kate, I’ve got my eye on Story of Seasons: Ein wunderbares Leben, having spend countless hours playing the original on the GameCube back in the day.
Schließlich, in the interest of manifesting some long overdue news, I’m also really looking forward to Metroid Prime 4. Come on, Nintendo!
Alana Haag, Angestellter Autor
Leute, 2023 ist gestapelt and I’m a little bit scared. Even discounting Tears of the Kingdom and the big non-Nintendo release of the year, Final Fantasy XVI, für mich, in the first six months alone there’s so much coming out that everything is going to be vying for my attention.
February has Octopath Traveller II und Theatrhythm Final Bar Line, two titles that I’m ridiculously jazzed to get stuck into. I never expected to get a straight-up sequel to Octopath, and I really want to see if the sequel has improved character Theatrhythm, jedoch, is my dream sequel — I cannot believe we’re finally getting another Theatrhythm game. I adore video game music and Final Fantasy music, so this is going to be my companion for the year, Ich denke.
As a Trails fan, I’m going to be spoilt in 2023. Spuren nach Azur is out in March and I’m desperate to see the concluding half of the Crossbell arc, and then Trails into Reverie is out this summer! Puh. Sternenmeer und Eiyuden-Chronik: Hundert Helden both come out sometime in 2023 zu. And I’m definitely grabbing Person 3 tragbar – Ich habe gespielt FES but not this version!
Stepping away from RPGs, obwohl, there’s plenty of stuff to go around. Minekos Nachtmarkt und Schnupftabak: Melodie des Mumintals are just two of the cutest video games I’ve seen, A Space For the Unbound is utterly beautiful to look at and it looks like it’s going to make me cry, and I can’t forget about Pikmin 4, can I? And hey, Seidenlied is meant to come out before July 2023, richtig? It’s going to come out at the same time as Zelda or FFXVI, isn’t it…
Jim Norman, Angestellter Autor
Once we get Tears of the Kingdom and the remasters of Wind Waker HD und Twilight Princess HD (both of which are unabhängig von ihrem Können am Steuer, 100% Ereignis) 2023 is still looking… ridiculously busy.
My year will undoubtedly kick off with Fire Emblem engagieren – a game about which we have arguably heard zu viel now but one that I remain really excited for nonetheless. Much like Alana, I have been tracking Sea of Stars for many months now and it still looks to be one of the prettiest Switch games going. Ich habe auch gespielt Owlboy for the first time this year and fell completely in love, so you know that D-Pad Studio’s next game, Wikinger auf Trampolinen, hat to be on my mind.
Then there’s titles like Bomb Rush Cyberfunk und Nuklearer Brand, both of which I am really keen to see more footage of because from what I have seen so far, I’m sold. And obviously Pikmin 4 will come along and take up a good few weeks of my playtime once again.
Wildcard picks go to Vorauskriege 1+2: Da Taktikspiele heutzutage meine Lieblingsart sind – ein Spiegelbild des Alters und abgestumpfter Reflexe in Plattformspielen und Marvels Mitternachtssonne. I hope that both of these manage to make their way to Switch in 2023, I really do. The former seems like we are going to get a release date any day now, while the latter might be more of a pipe dream at this point…
What are you most excited for in 2023? Check out our swish new poll where you can type in the game you want to vote for, and let us know your most anticipated games!