Nintendos Multiplayer Showdown Sale endet dieses Wochenende (Europa)

Bild: Nintendo

Aktualisieren: As a friendly reminder, Nintendo’s Multiplayer Showdown sale is coming to an end this weekend. Make sure to download any games that have caught your eye by Sunday 14th August, and remember to take advantage of our discounted eShop credit vouchers to save even more on the sale (details further down the page).

[Fri 5th Aug, 2022 11:30 BST]: Nintendo of Europe’s Multiplayer Showdown sale is now on, bringing big discounts on some of the biggest multiplayer games.

We’ve rounded up some highlights here for you so you don’t have to scroll around the eShop!

The sale is on until 14August, so make sure you stock up for the summer holidays!

We’ve also got our own sale on eShop codes until 31st August, so you can save even more on Nintendo’s upcoming sale by stocking up on discounted eShop credit. Use the code die du noch nicht ausprobiert hast at the checkout to save 10% off of all of our eShop cards below, und achten Sie darauf, view the rest of the items on sale at our store.

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