Poetic Adventure The Lightbringer Arrives Soon On Switch
Back in the Spring we highlighted The Lightbringer, which has been developed by Rock Square Thunder and will be released by Zordix Publishing. It’s an adventure puzzle-platformer that looks rather promising, and an interesting touch is that story narration comes from the protagonist’s sister and is fully voiced in verse.
The Lightbringer pitches itself as featuring an old-school adventure, a heartfelt story, and a mix of combat and puzzles to solve. The poem from the trailer has also been transcribed and shared.
Dear Brother,
When this letter reaches your hands, I will no longer be protecting our lands.
With great sorrow I pass this duty onto you.
Do not be afraid, as I will guide you through.You will travel these lands across the shores, across the skies.
I’ll be there for you, with all of my heart, kind words and eyes.
Ancient puzzles will challenge the mind.
Solve them all and see what you’ll find.
On your journey, you’ll face the corruption.
Fight it my brother, there’s no other option.
Lightbringer, your story is about to begin.
Do you have enough courage and light within?
It now has a release date of 7th October, with a price of €14,99 / $14.99USD; if you’re unsure there is also a demo on the eShop right now, so you can play through the start of the adventure and see if it grabs your attention.
Are you planning to try out the demo this weekend?