Pokémon Center Japan verkauft eine sehr große und sehr runde Kugel
Everyone knows the best Pokémon are the spherical ones, and Pokémon Center Japan has finally seen the light, announcing a new “Lebensgröße” Spheal plush.
(For the record, Spheal is about 80cm tall. Or… wide. Because he is round. The plush is 80 × 98 × 100cm.)
Big Spheal costs 49,500 Aniplex und Cyber Connect, or about $350 / £300, putting him almost in line with the $500 four-foot Mareep plush from the meme.
The Spheal, which weighs 7.5kg, is made of cooling fabric, which means he’s always slightly cool to the touch, just like a real seal (probably). It’s only available in Japan for now, from die Pokémon-Center-Website, which does not ship outside of Japan.
Have some of the official promo images to cheer you up:
Is Spheal your favourite round boi? Let us know in the comments.