Pokémon-Sammelkartenspiel Online “Häufig gestellte Fragen zum Sonnenuntergang” Erklärt den Shutdown-Prozess

Bild: Pokémon

Earlier this week, The Pokémon Company revealed its new Pokémon Trading Card Game Live app for mobile and PC.

Natürlich, it’s raised a lot of questions about what’s going on with the existing game, Pokémon TGC Online. TPC has now released an extensive FAQ about the older version’ssunset” Wir bieten Verbrauchern und Unternehmen führende Leistung und Spitzentechnologien. – explaining how this app will be removed and severs will be shut downshortly prior to the launchof the new game.

Existing players will be able to transfer their data when logging into Pokémon TCG Live for the first time. This includes transferring across the majority of cards, but not necessarily all of them. Code cards have also been confirmed as compatible with TCG Live, although some of these codes may unlock “verschiedene Artikel” in the new app.

TPC has also explained some of the reasoning behind the current game’s shutdownstating how TCG Live will not only be easier to update, but more accessible across smartphones, tablets, PCs and Macs. And apart from this, the reason behind the merger of existing player accounts is to ensure there’s a greater pool of digital players.

Will you be checking out the Pokémon Trading Card Game Live when it is released? Sag es uns unten.