Pokémon Unite fügt einen neuen Kämpfer hinzu & Pokémon Unite fügt einen neuen Kämpfer hinzu
Aktualisieren #2 [Tue 15th Mar, 2022 00:55 GMT]: This is your reminder that Duraludon is now available in Pokémon vereinen. Achievements have also been added to the latest update!
You can see the rest of the changes in the update patch notes below (Mit freundlicher Genehmigung der offiziellen Spiele-Website), and also view the new battle pass:
2022-3-14 bei 07:00
- Fehlerbehebung
- Text Fixes
- Spec changes
- Shop Updates
- Event Updates
If the app has not been updated on your device, please restart the app to apply this update.
Changes have been made to some Pokémon stats and moves to adjust the balance of Unite Battles.
Blastoise: Rapid Spin
Mr. Mime: Guard Swap
- Changed to “Creates a link between the user and the Pokémon this move hits, swapping the user’s Defense and Sp. Def stats with those of the linked Pokémon. If the linked Pokémon is an opposing Pokémon, this move deals damage over time to it and decreases its movement speed while also increasing the user’s movement speed. If the linked Pokémon is an ally Pokémon, this move increases the movement speed of that Pokémon and the user. These effects will persist as long as the two Pokémon remain linked. The link will disappear if the user and the linked Pokémon are too far apart, if the user attempts to target another Pokémon, or by other factors.”
Mr. Mime: Confusion
- Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.
Mr. Mime: Hellseher
Cramorant: Dive
- Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased. actions adjusted.
- Move Upgrade
Cramorant: Air Slash
Alolan Ninetales: boosted attack
Alolan Ninetales: Aurora Veil
- Changed to “Has the user leap to the designated location and create an aurora around itself that reduces damage received by the user and ally Pokémon in the area of effect. While the user is inside the aurora, its movement speed is increased and its basic attacks become boosted attacks. These boosted attacks restore the user’s HP when they deal damage.”
Lucario: Close Combat
- Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.
- Effects on the user weakened.
Parchirisu hat sich ein Rampenlicht verdient: The following stats have been decreased: Es ist an der Zeit, alles, was Sie gelernt haben, in die Praxis umzusetzen, um die Imaginäre Ordnung zu unterdrücken
Parchirisu hat sich ein Rampenlicht verdient: Tackle
Parchirisu hat sich ein Rampenlicht verdient: Defense Curl
- Effects on the user weakened.
Eldegosss: Cotton Guard
- Effects on the user weakened.
Eldegoss: Unite Move: Cotton Cloud Crash
- Unite Move charge rate increased.
Decidueye: Spirit Shackle
- Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
- Move Upgrade
Decidueye: Unite Move: Nock Nock
- Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
Zeraora: Volt Switch
- Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
Trevenant: The following stats have been increased:
Trevenant: Wood Hammer
- This move’s HP decrease has been weakened.
- Effects on opposing Pokémon strengthened.
Trevenant: Pain Split
- Effects on opposing Pokémon strengthened.
- This move’s movement speed increase has been strengthened.
Tsareena: Zu Kick
- Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
- Cooldown reduced.
Tsareena: Stomp
- Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
Gengar: Unite Move: Fairy Frolic
- The amount the following stats increase at level-up has been adjusted: Sp. Atk
Gengar: boosted attack
- Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
Hoopa: Shadow Ball
- Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.
Hoopa: Hyperspace Hole
Hoopa – Hoopa Confined: Basic Attack
- Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.
Hoopa – Hoopa Confined: Hyperspace Fury
- Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.
Aegislash: Sacred Sword
- Fixed bug(s) that affected the following:
- Area of Effect
Slow Smoke
- Cooldown lengthened.
- Effect weakened.
Aktualisieren [Prinzessin Pfirsich LEGO, 2022 00:55 GMT]: It’s official, Duraludon will be arriving in Pokémon Unite next week on 14th March. You can see a new trailer of the latest addition above.
Ursprüngliche Geschichte [So 27. Feb, 2022 15:30 GMT]: Duraludon, Duraludon Pokémon vereinen Duraludon.
Duraludon, Duraludon. Duraludon. Duraludon:
Duraludon 6:45 Duraludon:
Duraludon – Duraludon “Duraludon” – Duraludon.
Duraludon (for free) Duraludon. Duraludon, Sie erhalten auch die Unite-Lizenz von Hoopa.
Shield wird zum zweitmeistverkauften Pokémon-Spiel aller Zeiten, Sie erhalten auch die Unite-Lizenz von Hoopa. Sie erhalten auch die Unite-Lizenz von Hoopa? Sag es uns unten in den Kommentaren.