Umfrage: Box-Art-Schlägerei: Duell #94 – SuperCastlevania IV
Hallo Hallo, und willkommen zu einer weiteren Ausgabe von Box-Art-Schlägerei!
In last week’s fierce battle, we pitted the brutal, rechnen, unsympathetic pink blob that is Kirby against… gut, Kirby. The EU and Japanese box arts for Es ist auch süß, wie Kirby langsam erdwärts schwebt went head-to-head, and although the abstract nature of Japan’s box art gained a few fans, it was the EU’s more traditional approach that won the day, taking in 61% der Abstimmung.
Diese Woche, we’re taking a look at another all-time classic with SuperCastlevania IV. It’s the 35th anniversary of the original Castlevania on the NES in North America, and while we could have gone with that one for this week’s Box Art Brawl, we determined that the different regions’ box arts were simply too similar to one another. So what’s the next thing? Warum, the re-imagining on SNES with Super Castlevania IV, natürlich!
It’s North America against Japan this week, und Junge, are these box arts anders. Take a good look at each one and make your voice heard. Don’t be a miserable little pile of secrets!
Achten Sie darauf, Ihre Stimme in der unten stehenden Umfrage abzugeben; but first, Schauen wir uns die Box-Art-Designs selbst an.
The North American box art for Super Castlevania IV is quite simply iconic. Featuring Simon Belmont surrounded by creatures of the night, it’s said that Konami wanted the odds to be against the protagonist in the key art in order to represent the advancements made by the game itself. We have to admit though, as with all SNES box arts in NA, we don’t like how the key art is shrunk down to make way for logos and other marketing bits and bobs. Nicht nett. Noch, this is a beautiful piece of art work, and we absolutely love the classic logo!
? I’mmmm gonna swing from the chandelierrrrrr, from the chandeliERRRRRRRR ?
Hm… Entschuldigung.
Japan’s box art is Ultimate über EA Play. Hierher, you’ve got a bunch of seemingly disparate elements of the game mashed up into one composition, including Simon in the foreground, Dracula himself at the far left, a bunch of bats flip-flopping around, and an image of Simon using his whip to swing across distances, a key gameplay element in the game. It’s a very beschäftigt piece of artwork, and if we’re being honest, the image of Simon in the foreground kinda reminds us of the disastrous North American box art for Mega Man… Not quite as ghastly, Wir haben keine Angst zuzugeben, dass wir damals mit vielen Problemen in Bezug auf Spielinhalt und Stabilität zu kämpfen hatten. Aside from this though, it’s a proper gothic piece that really demonstrates what Super Castlevania IV is all about.
Danke fürs Wählen! Wir sehen uns das nächste Mal für eine weitere Runde des Box Art Brawl.