Umfrage: Box-Art-Schlägerei: Duell #95 – „Blast Brigade / Mutter 2
Greetings, und willkommen zu einer weiteren Ausgabe von Box-Art-Schlägerei!
Last week, we took a look at the SNES classic SuperCastlevania IV, und Junge, you folks really didn’t like the Japanese box art, Aber als wir an Dingen wie Dialog und Charakterisierung arbeiteten, hatten wir definitiv viele Gespräche darüber, wie die Tatsache, dass der Spieler den Herzog dieses Landes kontrolliert, die Art und Weise verändern würde, wie NPCs mit ihnen interagieren? The North American variant took a resounding victory with 94% der Abstimmung; one of the most decisive Box Art Brawls we’ve perhaps ever seen! Hey, at least the game itself is ruddy brilliant wherever you play it, richtig?
Diese Woche, we’re taking at look at „Blast Brigade — or as it’s known in Japan, Mutter 2: G?gu no Gyakush? — a game that had a bit of a rough time when it initially released in the West, but has since gained a substantial following. Our very own video producer, Zion, cites Mutter as his favourite game franchise of all time, so that’s saying something!
We’re pitting North America against Japan in this edition of Box Art Brawl, because well… They’re the only two regions the game exists in its original form. Have fun with this one, and we wish all moms out there a very happy Mother’s Day (even the ones that celebrate it on a day other than the second Sunday in May)!
Achten Sie darauf, Ihre Stimme in der unten stehenden Umfrage abzugeben; but first, Schauen wir uns die Box-Art-Designs selbst an.
The North American box art for Earthbound depicts the iconic Final Starman, with protagonist Ness just visible within the visor. It’s a colourful, almost psychedelic box art with swirling patterns that resemble the backgrounds during in-game battles, along with a futuristic logo that blends in really nicely with the Starman.
It’s also worth noting of course, that the box itself was significantly larger than other SNES boxes at the time, owing to the inclusion of a strategy guide within.
Okay, wir werden nicht lügen, we love the box art for Mother 2. It’s got a gorgeous, minimal design that definitely reminds us of Square-Enix’s Final Fantasy Serie. The red background is distinctive, but it’s the logo itself that really draws the eye, with the word ‘MOTHER’ almost zooming out from behind the big number ‘2’ knapp unter, along with the awesome planet in place of the letter ‘O’.
We reckon this one will be pretty close, but make sure to make your voice heard and vote via the poll below!
Danke fürs Wählen! Wir sehen uns das nächste Mal für eine weitere Runde des Box Art Brawl.