Umfrage: Was möchten Sie vom Splatoon dieser Woche sehen? 3 Nintendo Direct?
We’ve got just a little over a month to go until splatoon 3 makes a splat on the Switch, and after a little bit of concern from fans, Nintendo has announced a Splatoon 3-themed Nintendo Direct.
Es geht los 10th August 10th at 6am PDT / 9bin EDT / 2pm BST / 3Uhr MEZ, we’re expecting around 30 minutes of colourful Splatoon 3 Güte.
Some have been commenting online about the lack of new and unique features for the third entry in this hugely popular shooter, and this is hopefully the spot that Nintendo will show off what Splatoon 3 has on offer for long-term fans and potential newcomers.
We’ve already been drip-fed lots of little pieces of info on the upcoming game, including a few new stages, new and returning weapons, customisable eyebrows and hairstyles, music, und vieles mehr. Many also think that Nintendo has hinted that apartments might be coming to the game, so your inklings and squid kids can have a little home of their own!
But there are a few things we haven’t heard anything about yet. When will the Global Testfire be? Will there be DLC like the Octo-Erweiterung? And what amiibo will we be getting? Und letzte Woche, both Nintendo’s German and Dutch Twitter accounts potentially teased that “neue Modi” would be coming to the game.
We’ll soon find out! Inzwischen, why not let us know what you want to see by voting in the polls below and leaving a comment to share your excitement about the game (and this Direct)!