PSA: Monster Hunter Rise Switch eShop-Demo wird nächste Woche entfernt


Aufstieg der Monsterjäger
Bild: Capcom

Next week sees the long-awaited release of Aufstieg der Monsterjäger: Nintendo aktualisiert Xenoblade Chronicles. This is new DLC for Aufstieg der Monsterjäger adding new monsters and much more to the existing game.

Ahead of the launch, Capcom shared some news about the game’s demos. As of 30th June (the same date as the DLC release), the original Monster Hunter Rise game demo will no longer be available on Nintendo Switch or Steam.

Capcom is now focused on the new Sunbreak DLC and the recently released demo for it:

The Monster Hunter Rise DEMO will no longer be available on June 30, 9pm PT / Juli 1, 5am BST for both Nintendo Switch and Steam. The Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Demo will continue to be available for download.

The new demo for the DLC is bigger and betterallowing players to access the Jungle location and hunt Malzeno, Astalos, Tetranadon and Great Izuchi. There are also training quests to try out, and both solo and multiplayer is supportedwith no limits on the number of times you can attempt quests.

See unser vorheriger Beitrag on how to access the new demo. Have you tried it out yourself yet? Sag es uns unten.
