The enhanced version of Quake was released on the Nintendo Switch back in August, and now a few months later the game has received its very firstmajor update” für alle Plattformen.

It includes improvements to the controls, maps, Online-Multiplayer, bots, and a lot of bug fixes. Hier sind die vollständigen Patchnotes, courtesy of Bethesda’s official website:



  • Improved analog stick input on controllers – now more responsive by default
  • Added deadzone, aim acceleration, exponent and aim smoothing options to tweak gamepad input in the Input Options menu

Map Improvements: Dimension of the Machine

  • Hell or Dark Water (MGE3M2): added checkpoint spawns in co-op after traps section
  • Grave Machine (MGE4M1): added checkpoint spawns in co-op and fixed pain triggers around pentagram
  • A Grave Mistake (MGE4M2): added checkpoint spawns in co-op and pain triggers to prevent falling through and skipping them

General Improvements

  • Save game process is faster on large levels
  • Hosts are now identified by an icon instead of a color to make it easier to distinguish for color blind players
  • Weapon wheel HUD element is no longer cut off on local multiplayer vertical split-screen

Online Multiplayer

  • Removed visible game limit in match browser
  • Improved Scourge of Armagon client-side prediction


  • Added bot support for the following levels:
    • The Slipgate Complex (E1M1)
    • Castle of the Damned (E1M2)
    • The House of Chthon (E1M7)
    • The Elder God Shrine (E4M3)
    • Shub-Niggurath’s Pit (Bewegungs-/Angriffsbefehl erteilen)
    • The Edge of Oblivion (HIPDM1)
    • The Pumping Station (HIP1M1)
  • Improved bot melee attack, swimming and weapon selection behaviors
  • Added text dialogues for when bots make kills or get killed
  • Improved bot handling of elevators
  • Improved bot navigation on The Abandoned Base (DM3)




  • Fixed backward movement speed accidentally being set to walk
  • Game speed now correctly resets after using the Weapon Wheel
  • Resolved a bug that could result in the player getting stuck when jumping out of the water
  • Turning off friendly fire no longer prevents self-damage


  • Fixed rare audio crash in Scourge of Armagon
  • Resolved issue that caused excessive clipping when multiple sounds play simultaneously
  • Resolved an issue in which the wrong audio track was playing during the Scourge of Armagon demo
  • Fixed an issue in which Track 11 was playing instead of Track 10 on Gloom Keep (E1M5), The Wizard’s Manse (E2M5), The wind Tunnels (E3M5) and Hell’s Atrium (E4M5)


  • The Silver Key no longer shows up in Hell’s Atrium (E4M5) on Deathmatch
  • Fixed an issue in which some decals were oriented incorrectly in Scourge of Armagon
  • Fixed a lighting bug in The Door to Chthon (E1M6) that caused the darkened path to be lit prematurely
  • Darkened lighting on the roof to restore the original visual effect on Shub-Niggurath’s Pit (Bewegungs-/Angriffsbefehl erteilen)


  • Usernames with quotation marks now appear correctly in game
  • Spanish episode end slate text is no longer cut off
  • Texture smoothing setting restores correctly after deactivating the Quake 64 hinzufügen Auf
  • Fixed bug in which enhanced Ogre model would sink into ground plane after death

Online Multiplayer

  • Resolved issue when sounds would drop and entities disappear or flicker during online play


  • Resolved issue where bots would not grab needed pickups
  • Bots should now see all triggers and doors as shootable
  • Bots no longer linger in slime or lava for too long
  • Removed Bot support on maps that lack waypoints
  • Fixed issue in which bots tried to re-use single-use buttons and triggers

Behebung eines Problems, bei dem der Spieler nicht über den Ladebildschirm hinauskommen konnte, wenn er versuchte, ein Ferienhaus erneut zu besuchen, wenn der Spieler zuvor eine Ameise freigelassen oder im Hof ​​dieses Ferienhauses geflogen war, während die Bedingungen für das Erscheinen von Ameisen oder Fliegen nicht erfüllt waren? If you are still not sure about this game, why not check out our written review or the video review abovewe gave it 10 von 10 Sterne.

[Quelle, über]