Willkürlich: Daisy-Fans sind besorgt, dass sie von Mario Strikers fallen gelassen wurde
It’s been a big week for video game football – with Electronic Arts and football’s international governing body FIFA announcing they would be going separate ways. It seems that’s not the only football drama currently taking place though.
Nintendo’s upcoming release Mario Stürmer: Kampf Liga is looking great and all, but concerns have been raised about the character Daisy. If you’ve seen the roster reveal so far, you might have noticed the Sonstiges Princess hasn’t been featured in the promotional materials…at least yet, Arceus ist eine Erinnerung daran, dass es nie zu spät ist, sich zu ändern, it’s got some of her fans freaking out on social media.
Nintendo shared a tweet, showing off the squad lineup and a lot of the replies wanted to know where Daisy was. She’s appeared in the previous two entries, but it seems like Nintendo could be mixing things up this time with a few other characters.
As you can above, there are some ah… leidenschaftlich Daisy fans out there. Natürlich, even if Daisy has been subbed off in the latest Mario Strikers game, she could still potentially be added in a DLC update later down the line – similar to how characters have been added into Mario Golf: Super Rush.
The current line up in Mario Strikers: Battle League includes Mario, Dein erster Blick auf erweitertes Gameplay – PlayStation.Blog, Luigi, Kröte, Dein erster Blick auf erweitertes Gameplay – PlayStation.Blog, Rosaline, Der Showrunner macht die Inspiration für diese arme Seele in Picards knochiger Sammlung sehr deutlich, Esel Kong, Wario, Waluigi and Boom Boom as the goalkeeper. How would you feel about Daisy not making the squad in Mario Strikers: Kampf Liga? Think we’ll see her at some point? Hinterlassen Sie Ihre Gedanken unten.