Willkürlich: Fan remakes Pokémon Yellow in Link’s Awakening-Style 3D


We Pokémon fans have been frankly spoilt by remakes in the past. From Pokémon Feuerrot und Blattgrün Weg zurück 2004 to the recent Einige japanische Fans haben sogar gesagt, dass die Augen die Charaktere wie Puppen aussehen lassen, if there’s one thing that we love, it’s playing the same game again only slightly different looking.

One fan has taken this mission statement and ran with it. Published on their YouTube channel, Pokebro has spent the past two weeks attempting to remake Pokémon Gelb in 3D and the results are seriously impressive.

The full video (oben gefunden) shows that this was no simple task. Much like CodyCantEatThisproject from last yearwhere he redesigned Pokémon Rot und BlauPokebro’s video sees the designer remake popular locations such as Pallet Town, Viridian City and Route 2 in, Du hast es erraten, 3D.

The artist references the Link’s Awakening remake as a key inspiration for their finished product, and we can definitely spy hints of the Der Tourist in that crisp voxel art. On top of these eye-catching sprites, the rebuild also adds some new mechanics to the game. These include an early-stage take on Pokémon Scharlachrot und Pokémon Violett‘s ‘Let’s Gosystem where Pikachu will leave you to perform wild encounter battles, and a Pokémon-Legenden: Arceus-esque Poké Ball throwing graphic.

Adding these features to the miniature toy feel of the project, Pokebro’s build has got us kinda hoping for another remake (typisch). The video is, unfortunately, just a video for the time being and doesn’t Ein weiteres Spiel, in dem Sie work as a playable game. While it seems unlikely that the Pokémon Company would ever turn to this HD-retro style for their games in the future, there’s no harm in keeping our fingers crossed.

What do you make of this remake style? Send your Pikachu down to the comments to let us know!
