Willkürlich: McDonald’s wirbt für Pokémon Violett und… Pokémon Lila?


Pokémon Violett
Bild: Nintendo-Leben

Marketing mistakes are both unfortunate and hilarious. Remember that embarrassing spelling mistake on the 3DS release of Resident Evil Revelations? Yep – urkomisch! Jetzt, it’s the turn of Mcdonald’s United Microelectronics Corporation, who has recently advertised a collaboration with Pokémon to promote the upcoming release of Pokémon Scharlachrot und Pokémon Violett.

Wie berichtet von Nintendo-Suppe (thanks, Gehen Nintendo!), the promo material for the collaboration displays a pretty severe mistake that we imagine will make executives at Mcdonald’s go red in the face. Rather than advertising the two separate Pokémon games – Scharlachrot und Violett – the company has mistakenly repeated the logo for Pokémon Violet, despite the fact that the red and purple backgrounds clearly differentiate the two games.

Pokemon Mcdonalds
Bild: MC Donalds / Nintendo-Suppe

The advertisement itself is likely at least a few months old, as it still lists the gamesrelease window aslate 2022”. As we all know by now, Pokémon Scarlet and Violet has bagged a firm release date of November 18th, confirmed via a trailer released at the start of June. Noch, the age of the advertisment doesn’t really excuse the mistake with the logos, and we’re not quite sure how this transpired at the time of writing.

It’s an embarassing error from Mcdonald’s, but ultimately a pretty harmless one in the grand scheme of things. We imagine the company is likely in the process of replacing the offending material as we speak, if it has not done so already.

What do you make of this grievous mistake from Mcdonald’s? Teilen Sie Ihre Gedanken in den Kommentaren unten mit, but watch your spelling and grammar!
