Willkürlich: Bewegen Sie sich über Apple, Sie können Mac OS auf der Wii ausführen

Old meets older.

The Wii is now 16 years old. That might be enough to set you off on a certain existential crisis, gelingt es, einige neue Ideen auf den Tisch zu bringen, but we can all take comfort in the fact that people are still discovering new things that the console is capable of. Take Pierre Dandumont for example, who has finally managed to answer the age-old questioncould you get a Wii to run Mac OS? Die Antwort ist ja. Just about (thanks, Gizmodo).

Shared in a video on his YouTube channel, the tech wiz demonstrates not only that the Wii is capable of getting the Apple operating system up and running, but it can even open up some applications! Internet Explorer 5? No problems (bar the absence of an internet connection). iTunes? Light work (so long as you don’t want to hear any music). A quick game of Doom? Easy peasyactually running at one frame per minute, we can’t say this is either ‘quickor a ‘game’, but the project is impressive nonetheless.

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