Willkürlich: Erinnere dich daran $250 eShop-Spiel wechseln? Es ist derzeit im Angebot für Just $2.50
Zurück im November, Sie erinnern sich vielleicht an a story about the price of the Switch eShop game Membrane jumping from $10 zu $250.
Although it was assumed to be an error at the time, the US price didn’t change in the end. Jetzt, in the latest development, it’s on sale for $2.50 – which So'ne Art makes it an offer you might not be able to resist. Just think about it…the chance to own a digital game priced at $250 for just $2.50…
Ganz ehrlich, obwohl, this appears to be nothing more than a sales tactic. The developer behind this game previously revealed in 2019 how it used extreme discounts to give Membrane more visibility on the Switch eShop. Beispielsweise, on a separate occasion, it dropped the title down to 9 cents, resulting in some serious sales:
“We just eclipsed 100,000 sales with our last discount of 99 percent off. Only 1 percent of those sales were made when the game was at full price.”
Glücklicherweise, Membrane’s pricing is much more reasonable in other locations. In the UK for example, the game is currently on sale for £1.43. And if you miss out on the sale, you’ll only have to fork out £7.19.
Membrane was originally released on the eShop in 2018, and believe it or not, actually provides an excellent physics-based puzzle platforming experience. We even gave it nine out of ten stars in our review.
Have you played this game before? What are your thoughts about developers jacking up prices like this to make discounts look more appealling? Do you think Nintendo should perhaps have a rule in place to prevent this sort of thing from happening? Hinterlasse unten einen Kommentar.