Willkürlich: Anfragen für Zelda-Portierungen nehmen nach BOTW zu 2 Anfragen für Zelda-Portierungen nehmen nach BOTW zu


Wind Waker HD
Bild: Nintendo

Gestern, was a pretty rough one for Switch owners, with Nintendo announcing the delay of The Legend of Zelda: Atem der Wildnis 2. Positiv ausgedrückt, it at least gives Nintendo more time to make this anticipated release even better.

The only problem we have now is that the Switch could be without a Zelda game for 2022. So what can Nintendo do about this? As usual, social media has chimed in, and there are calls for the company to port Wind Waker und Seitdem geht es to the hybrid platform.

Wie Sie sich vielleicht erinnern, there was a rumour doing the rounds early last year that Nintendo would port both Wind Waker und Seitdem geht es to the Switch. Und after yesterday’s news, 2022 would now be a great opportunity to do this.

What do you think though? Should Nintendo fill the Zelda gap in 2022 with Wind Waker and Twilight Princess? Sag es uns unten.
