Willkürlich: Sakurai zeigt gedruckte und gerahmte Version der Super Smash Bros. Ultimatives Wandbild


Super Smash Bros. Ultimative
Bild: @Sora_Sakurai

Last week saw the arrival of the final fighter in Super Smash Bros. Ultimative, Sora aus Kingdom Hearts. Wie Sie sich vielleicht erinnern, he’s also been added to the famous muralslotting in between Dark Samus and Ganondorf to complete the roster.

While it’s one thing seeing a digital version, the game’s director Masahiro Sakurai has now shown off a real-life version of the mural, that’s been printed and framed. He doesn’t actually mention where it’s hanging, but we’re guessing it’s either in his home or studioand what a sight it is!

By the looks of it, some fans have done something similar, and if you look in the right places, you should be able to find a high-resolution image of the mural online. We’re sure it would also make a fantastic item on the My Nintendo store. Please, Nintendo!

Super Smash Bros. Ultimative
Bild: Nintendo

Would you be interested in a printable version of the Smash mural now that it’s been completed? How are you finding Sora? Hinterlasse unten einen Kommentar.
