Willkürlich: Diese von Fans hergestellten erdgebundenen Dioramen können für Ihr Nerd-Regal gekauft werden
Being a fan of the Mutter series is a little difficult at times, but we can reassure ourselves that we have some of the best merch and fan art, mindestens. And this latest creation is both!
Made by artist Mizutani, each of the eight EarthBound dioramas that you can buy is based on some iconic part of the game, from Giant Step to Pink Cloud, and is made of acrylic and PVC. Each one costs ¥ 3,080 (tax including, shipping from Japan not included), which is around $22.50 / £19.00.
Und jetzt, have some lovely images:
The dioramas will be released on August 8th. You can read an interview with Mizutani here, although be aware that it’s in Japanese.
Which one would you buy? Sag es uns in den Kommentaren!