Willkürlich: Diese “Vibe-Check” Der Charaktere von Splatoon 2 ist eine Karte voller Meme und Insider-Witze


Following on from the news that the Octo Expansion DLC für splatoon 2 ist now available for free as part of the Nintendo Switch Online + Erweiterungspaket, Nintendo has issued avibe checkto fill players in on the relationships, grudges, crushes, und, er, edibility (?) of all of the game’s characters. Aussehen, it’s best if you just take a peep for yourself:

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Open in a new tab to read all the tiny text! Don’t blame us, blame Nintendo

So, now we know that Callie and Marie miss each other, Craymond is aweird little dude”, and Jelfonso thinks you’re a peasant. Will that make you better at Splatoon 2? Nicht, wahrscheinlich nicht. But at least you won’t commit any social faux-pas when you’re invited to the next Squid Ball, which is far more important.

Does this count as Crab News? Even though it’s a Friday??? Let us know which “Stimmung” matches your own in the comments!
