Willkürlich: Diese “Vibe-Check” Der Charaktere von Splatoon 2 ist eine Karte voller Meme und Insider-Witze
Following on from the news that the Octo Expansion DLC für splatoon 2 ist now available for free as part of the Nintendo Switch Online + Erweiterungspaket, Nintendo has issued a “vibe check” to fill players in on the relationships, grudges, crushes, und, er, edibility (?) of all of the game’s characters. Aussehen, it’s best if you just take a peep for yourself:
So, now we know that Callie and Marie miss each other, Craymond is a “weird little dude”, and Jelfonso thinks you’re a peasant. Will that make you better at Splatoon 2? Nicht, wahrscheinlich nicht. But at least you won’t commit any social faux-pas when you’re invited to the next Squid Ball, which is far more important.
Does this count as Crab News? Even though it’s a Friday??? Let us know which “Stimmung” matches your own in the comments!