Willkürlich: Twitch Chat Beats "Every Single Sport" In Wii Sports
It even got a home run in baseball.
We’ve seen Twitch chat beat games like Pokémon and even The Legend of Zelda: Atem der Wildnis, but how about a more active game? Over the holiday break, Twitch and variety streamer GappyV decided to invent the ultimate test – creating code that converted basic messages into Wii Remote and Nunchuk inputs to see if Twitch chat could “schlagen” all five games in Wii-Sport.
While there were definitely some teething issues, once Twitch chat got the hang of each sport, it was mostly a success. Baseball ended up being the highlight. While it was quite a challenge for chat to get the hang of batting, letzten Endes, it managed to get a home run. You can watch it all unfold in the video above.
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