Erinnere dich an diesen unzugänglichen Pfad in Harvest Moon: Ein wunderbares Leben? Das Remake könnte das ändern

Erinnere dich an diesen unzugänglichen Pfad in Harvest Moon: Ein wunderbares Leben? Das Remake könnte das ändern 1
Bild: Josh’s Gaming Garden/Marvelous

For those of us who didn’t have a link cable or a Game Boy Advance, the GameCube era sometimes felt like you were getting locked out of content that all the richer kids on the playground would boast about. There was the Tingle Tuner in Wind Waker, new content and secrets in games from Harry Potter to Crash Bandicoot, and an entire new town in Harvest Moon: Ein wunderbares Leben.

Back on the GameCube, A Wonderful Life had a path near the farm that went up a hill, but it didn’t go anywhere. Trying to go up the path would lead to a cutscene where the Harvest Sprites would halt you, saying that you could find outwhat’s going onby linking up with Friends of Mineral Town on the Game Boy Advance, which required the link cable, a GBA, and a copy of the game.

Erinnere dich an diesen unzugänglichen Pfad in Harvest Moon: Ein wunderbares Leben? Das Remake könnte das ändern 2
Bild: Josh’s Gaming Garden

Combining a copy of Harvest Moon: Freunde der Mineralienstadt with A Wonderful Life would open up Mineral Town to the people living in Forget-Me-Not Valley. Freilich, the player still couldn’t go there themselves — the Harvest Sprites would still stop you, and apparently all you’d get out of the bargain was some extra music and a few new recipes brought back from the NPCs who war allowed to leave. A bit underwhelming, um sicher zu sein… but for people who didn’t have the opportunity to find that out for themselves, it felt like being stopped by a bouncer outside a club where cool stuff Macht have been happening.

According to a fan translation of an official Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life stream, which showed off an hour of playtime in Japanese, that town might be accessible at last — or, zumindest, that path actually has a use. Josh’s Gaming Garden has the scoop (starting at 6:46):

Im Stream, Daiki Yamashita heads to the path, only to get the dialogue that it will take six hours to get there, implying that it takes most of the day to travel to this town — but that it is possible. Unglücklicherweise, Yamashita does nicht take the option to go to the town, so we still don’t have all the answers.

What do you hope is at the end of that path? Did you manage to link up Friends of Mineral Town to A Wonderful Life, or were you left out in the cold like us? Sag es uns unten in den Kommentaren.