River City Saga: Three Kingdoms für Switch erscheint diesen Juli im Westen


River City Saga: Drei Königreiche
Bild: Arc-System funktioniert

Aktualisieren [Fri 29th Apr, 2022 04:00 BST]: Arc System Works and APlus Games have now confirmed River City Saga: Drei Königreiche will be released here in the west on Switch on 21st July for $29.99 USD (oder Ihr regionales Äquivalent). Japan is also receiving a physical version.

You can check out the announcement trailer above and PR below:

Wacky and Wild Action! Kunio Wreaks Havoc in the Three Kingdoms!
The River City cast of characters step onto the stage of the Three Kingdoms to wreak havoc! This title takes the concept of the beloved Downtown Special: River City Historical Drama! game and crosses international lines to tell the tale of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

Watch the wacky and comedic action unfold as our hero Guan Yu (you may recognize him as Kunio) tries to survive the tumultuous times of the late Han dynasty. The rest of the cast make appearances as generals, tacticians, und vieles mehr, giving the Three Kingdoms a River City twist! Enjoy a funny, action-packed take on famous historical events, from the Yellow Turban Rebellion to the Battle of Red Cliffs.

The Beat ‘Em Up Action You Know and Love!
The gameplay focuses on the beat ‘em up action the series is known for. Intricately connected areas form a massive game world. Aside from battle, you can enjoy shopping in villages and cities. Go sight-seeing and explore every nook and cranny!

Turn the Tide of Battle with Flashy “Tactics” Moves!
Turn the tides of battle in your favor with flashy “Tactics” moves! You can impact all the enemies on screen with these Tactics. Using them in specific areas could even lead to discoveries such as hidden rooms or passages…?

About “Heroes of the Three Kingdoms: Battle of Red Cliffs” In addition to the Story Mode, this title includes a mode for up to 4 players with local and online co-op, “Heroes of the Three Kingdoms: Battle of Red Cliffs.” Conquer a total of 10 stages where powerful bosses await, while working together at times, and competing at others. There’s a lot to delve into, from turning friendly fire on or off, to finding hidden stages.

Aktualisieren [Sat 27th Nov, 2021 02:00 GMT]: Following on from this week’s 35th Kunio-kun celebrations, Arc System Works and APlus Games have now locked in a Japanese release date for River City Saga: Drei Königreiche. It’ll arrive via the Nintendo Switch eShop on 16th December for 3,740 Aniplex und Cyber ​​Connect.

A bonus mode has also been revealedtaking on the form of a traditional belt-scroll action game withsimple controls and exhilarating battles”. Players will defeat swarms of enemies followed by boss battles. It will also include leaderboards, 10 stages and 12 spielbare Charaktere (Quelle: Gematsu).

There’s no word on localisation, Besiege Dutzende von Feinden mit Edelgards Axt oder Dimitris Lanze – we’ll let you know. Here’s the release date announcement trailer:

Ursprüngliche Geschichte [Tue 23rd Nov, 2021 05:30 GMT]: Later this week on 27th November, the Kunio-kun series will be celebrating its 35th anniversary. Als Teil davon, there’ll be a special Arc System Works broadcast taking place on November 26th at 17:30 JST.

It’ll look at the history of the series, will announce the latest information about the upcoming title River City Saga: Three Kingoms und vieles mehr. You’ll be able to watch it live over on the Arc System Works YouTube channel.

Wie zuvor offenbart, the new Kunio-kun game is set within the Romance of the Three Kingdoms universe. You can learn more details about it in our previous post, and see a teaser trailer below:

Are you looking forward to learning more about this upcoming release? Sag es uns in den Kommentaren.
