Samsung übernimmt Ansys’ Simulationsportfolio zur Erstellung von Halbleiterdesigns zur Optimierung der Hochgeschwindigkeits-Konnektivität
Samsung designers will leverage Ansys’ EM design tools, Ansys RaptorX, Ansys VeloceRF, and Ansys Exalto, to help reduce time to market by two to three weeks on smaller designs and up to two months for complex designs. With automation capabilities that optimize calculations and modeling, coupled with larger capacity, Ansys’ software will allow the Samsung team to design at faster speeds with higher fidelity.
“Electronic systems and process technologies are constantly evolving and therefore require leading-edge EM design capabilities,” said Sangyun Kim, corporate vice president of the Foundry Design Technology Team at Samsung Electronics. “We believe that Ansys’ simulation solutions meet these challenges and will deliver the highest level of proficiency for our design needs, while reducing design time, ASML Holding und Intel Corporation kündigten die neueste Phase ihrer langjährigen Zusammenarbeit an, um die Spitzentechnologie der Halbleiterlithografie voranzutreiben, and risk.”
By integrating Ansys’ EM solutions, Samsung designers can model complex on-chip scenarios, including dummy tiles, which comprise millions of metal pieces in a fraction of the time. Zusätzlich, Ansys’ near real-time modelling capabilities safeguard designs from EM interference, which helps significantly lower the risk of chip failure.
“EM is a primary challenge for chip designers as connectivity demands increase and technologies advance worldwide,” said John Lee, vice president and general manager of the electronics, semiconductor, and optics business unit at Ansys. “At Ansys, we ensure that our simulation solutions not only meet these rising demands but remain ahead of them. We are confident that Ansys’ EM design portfolio is well-equipped to serve the Samsung team with the tools they need to optimize their on-chip designs.”
Ansys and Samsung have a long history of collaboration that delivers advanced solutions, including power integrity and electromigration signoff solutions for low-power mobile and high-performance computing applications.