Shantae und die sieben Sirenen haben ein kostenloses Update zu „Spektakulärem Superstar“ erhalten

Seven and the Seven Stars
Bild: WegVorwärts

Aktualisieren [Wed 1st Dec, 2021 02:00 GMT]: The update for Shantae and the Seven Sirens has arrived. WayForward has released a small trailer alongside it. And you can learn more over on the Offizielle Spiele-Website.

Ursprüngliche Geschichte [Mi 17.11, 2021 02:00 GMT]: Nun, here’s a nice surprise, Shantae’s latest adventureShantae und die sieben Sirenen wird a “spectacular superstar” aktualisieren. This is a free content update that will arrive later this month on 30th November.

It will feature a range of new modesDefinitive Mode, Full Deck Mode, Rule Breaker Mode, and Beginner Mode:

Definitive Mode: A more challenging “director’s cut” that features classic Shantae difficulty, with rebalanced item drops and magic consumption, as well as more-intense boss fights and new dialog with the Sirens before each battle.
Full Deck Mode: Definitive Mode with a twist. Start with all 50 Monster Cards to customize Shantae’s abilities to your liking.
Rule Breaker Mode: Definitive Mode without limits. You can equip up to 50 Monster Cards at once to gain ultimate power.
Beginner Mode: Definitive Mode made simple. This easy mode makes it impossible to lose! Perfect for newcomers or those who just want to explore the world and enjoy the story.

Shantae and the Seven Stars

There’ll also be a Legacy Mode im Angebot, to allow players to experience the title in its original and unaltered form. and an unlockable Hula Costume (giving players a powerful magic upgrade at the cost of lower defense). This costume will be usable across all modes, as long as the player has completed the game at least once.

Some other bonus enhancements as part of this update (across all modes) include improved dialog, Kartenmarkierungen, and hints which can be toggled on or off.

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