Anteil der Woche - Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Last week, Wir haben unsere Lieblings-Materia ausgestattet und Sie gebeten, Ihre besten Momente aus Final Fantasy VII Remake mit # PS4share und #PSBlog zu teilen. Von malerischen, herzzerreißenden Aussichten bis hin zu herrlichen Chocobo-Sichtungen, here are this week’s highlights:

Cloud looks down at tragic destruction in contemplative shot by GamerSWIG77.

IxionVII shows Cloud, Barret, and Tifa posing in front of some Avalanche graffiti.

Anyone need a ride? Lorsteibel shared this moment with a Chocobo carriage.

Cloud and Aerith share a moment amongst the flowers in this share by Scottoka1.

Virtua_photo shares this striking portrait of Aerith.

Cloud makes a visit to Wall Market and all its neon lights in this share by Vlladan_P.

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Thema: Grün

Teilen von: 9bin am Mittwoch pazifisch, April 22

Nächste Woche, we’re feeling green. Share verdant fields, emerald gems, lime neon lights, and everything in between in the shade of green using #PS4share and #PSBlog for a chance to be featured.

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