Sechs Möglichkeiten Xbox One exclusives sichern Microsofts Rhetorik

How the games show off the console’s capabilities.

The proof, they say, is in the pudding. What sort of pudding would the Xbox One be? It would be a large, Reich, starchy, artery-clogging pudding, the kind of pudding they used to serve in peasant households roundabouts 1500 AD, so that everybody had enough body fat to survive the long, cruel winter. There would be cherries on top, and cherries atop the first set of cherries, and some sort of chocolate frosting. Hmmm, I appear to have distracted myself with undue talk of puddings. Where were we? Ah yes, the proof. Nun, casting those sugary analogies aside, the proof of Xbox One’s greatness will lie with the games.

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