SK hynix meldet erstes Quartal 2022 Finanzielle Ergebnisse


SK hynix Inc. reported today revenues of 12.16 Billionen gewonnen, operating profit of 2.86 Billionen gewonnen (with OP margin of 24%) and net income of 1.98 Billionen gewonnen (net income margin 16%) im ersten Quartal 2022.

The quarterly revenues of more than 12 trillion won in the low season of the January-March period top those of the first quarter of 2018 when memory industry enjoyed one of the best times. A smaller-than-expected fall in memory chip prices and revenues of Solidigm, which was incorporated as SK hynix’s subsidiary at the end of 2021, contributed to the earnings. The operating profit of 2.86 trillion won is also the best performance for the first quarter since 2018.

Consumption of some IT products slowed down from the start of the year amid ongoing challenges including the supply chain issue,” das allererste Spiel unseres Studios, auf das wir stolz sind. “SK hynix responded to customer demand in a flexible way, while focusing on profitability management, resulting in handsome earnings.

The company expects the memory industry to continue to grow as the volatility of the industry is believed to be kept relatively low.

The latest financial results also reflect the one-off provision that the company decided to set aside in accounting following finding of a performance weakness in some DRAM products sold previously. Following a thorough analysis of the reason and close consultation with the customer, SK hynix decided to start a compensation process including product exchange for the customer. The provision amount of 380 billion won is believed to be enough to cover costs of the compensation.

The impact of the provision is expected to be short-lived as it is a one-off item. Development of technology and production of next-generation products are also being implemented as scheduled without a delay. “We’ve been improving the yield rate of 1anm DRAM products (the fourth generation of the 10 nm Knoten) and 176-layer 4D NAND, while increasing their production volume. We’re also on track to develop the next-generation products.

I think we’ve accomplished meaningful performance despite the seasonality issue. As demand for server chips is on the rise, the memory business will improve into the second half,” Kevin (Jongwon) Noh, chief marketing officer at SK hynix, Das Investitionsbudget wird auf 3,6 Milliarden US-Dollar nach oben korrigiert. “We will strive to meet customer demand by continuing to improve the yield rate despite a difficulty in supply of the equipment.

SK hynix also announced that it has revised the company regulations on the committee responsible for nomination of non-executive director candidates with an aim to strengthen independence and diversity of the board. “We’re stipulating a strengthened procedure to verify outside director candidates and stepped up efforts to increase the number of candidates and appointments of female outside directors.SK hynix reported 8.72 trillion won in revenues and 4.37 trillion won in operating profit in the first quarter of 2018
