Swerys “Kleinstadt-Detektivthriller” The Good Life startet nächsten Monat

The Good Life

It’s official – die bevorstehende “small-town detective thrillerThe Good Life will arrive on Nintendo Switch and all other platforms next month on October 15th.

Das Spiel, Falls Du es verpasst hast, is from HidetakaSwerySuehiro’s company White Owls (along with Grounding Inc. and Playism). Swery is perhaps best-known in recent times for the Nintendo Switch mit Joy-Con in Neonblau und Neonrot BRANDNEU **Versiegelt** Serie, which has developed a bit of a cult following.

In diesem neuen Titel, you’ll take control of an American journalist named Naomi who has moved to Britain to pay off her debt. The backwater village in which she now resides isn’t all that is seems. Here’s the latest announcement trailer:

Does this look like a game you would be interested in checking out when it arrives on Switch next month? Sag es uns unten.