Drei entzückende neue Animal Crossing-Plüschtiere wurden enthüllt
If you happen to be a fan of Animal Crossing and love plush toys, you might be interested to hear more themed ones are on the way. They’ll be released … Weiterlesen
If you happen to be a fan of Animal Crossing and love plush toys, you might be interested to hear more themed ones are on the way. They’ll be released … Weiterlesen
Bild: Activision Microsoft’s CEO Satya Nadella this week released his annual letter to shareholders and in the “Gaming” Segment, he spoke about how the company had continued to extend its … Weiterlesen
Ollie Reynolds, Staff Writer I, ganz ähnlich wie meine Kollegen von Nintendo Life, Ich bin sicher, will be playing more of Nintendo’s mysterious NSO playtest this weekend in some vain hope that … Weiterlesen
Jim Norman, Staff Writer I’ll mostly be playing through a game for review this weekend, Halten Sie also nächste Woche Ausschau danach. If I do find time … Weiterlesen
Bild: Hound Picked Back in 2018, Dutch indie studio HomeBear — a two-person team made up of partners Joshua van Kuilenburg and You Miichi — released NAIRI: Turm von Shirin, … Weiterlesen
Subscribe to Nintendo Life on YouTube780k The explosive fast-paced action platformer Antonblast was meant to be arriving on the Switch eShop next month, but its release has now been delayed … Weiterlesen
Jim Norman, Staff Writer Did I finish Zelda last weekend? Habe ich das denn getan?! Anstatt den letzten Dungeon abzuputzen, I reignited my love for worm-based tactics with Digital Eclipse’s … Weiterlesen
Bild: Nintendo Life We’re fast approaching GOTY season, Es ist also an der Zeit, sich anzuschnallen und in der diesmonatigen Ausgabe von eShop Selects auf das Beste vom September zurückzublicken. Wait, … Weiterlesen
Bild: Nintendo Life Hallo Leute, and welcome back to another edition of Box Art Brawl! Last week, we checked out the Game Boy Advance version of Donkey Kong Country. It … Weiterlesen