Die Abteilung U-Bahn-Erweiterung jetzt erhältlich auf Xbox One, PC
U-Bahn, the first paid expansion for The Division, is now available on Xbox One and PC. In this expansion, Division Agents will travel beneath the streets of Manhattan to take out the enemy factions lurking in the dark, dangerous, and randomly generated dungeons represented by a mixture of the city’s subways, sewers, and tunnels. In addition to these Underground Operations, you can experience an all-new Incursion called Dragon’s Nest (featuring the Cleaners), and work towards earning new gear sets, like B.L.I.N.D. (improved pulse and flashbangs), DeadEYE (enhanced critical strikes and accuracy), und vieles mehr.
The Division’s 1.3 update is also available today on Xbox One and PC (arriving July 5 on PS4). This update includes a host of improvements, tweaks, and additional features including:
• Find and equip 9 new weapon types.
• Experience Hudson Refugee Camp and Queens Tunnel in Challenge mode for better rewards.
• Play the new Heroic difficulty to unlock top-tier rewards in incursions and select missions.
• Get the all new Alpha Bridge gear set.
• Discover the Terminal, a new shared social space inside the Base of Operations.
Weitere Informationen über die Aufteilung, Besuche unsere vorherige Berichterstattung aus:
Die Division - U-Bahn-Erweiterung und Aktualisierung 1.3 New Mission Typen und mehr
The Division – A Familiar Face Returns to Operation ISAC in Transmission 11
The Division – Going Underground Introduces New Level of Replayability
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