The Last of Us Part I – PlayStation.Blog
Last week, we asked you venture into The Last of Us Part I and explore the rebuilt game’s photo mode using #PSshare #PSBlog. Hier sind die Highlights dieser Woche:
Wahrscheinlich shares Joel and Tess wearing gas masks in a spore-ridden building.
gamingbyframe shares a full body portrait of a Bloater against a black backdrop.
josetheduuudee shares a head-on portrait of Ellie in the sunlight.
RevolutionAndre shares Joel and Ellie walking amongst abandoned cars covered in overgrown weeds as they approach the walls of a collapsed Pittsburgh.
lostenoki shares Tess and Joel leading Ellie through the raining outskirts of Boston.
kyle68677215 shares the light streaming into a beautiful church in Bill’s town.
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THEMA: The Last of Us Part I – Portraits
EINREICHEN VON: 11:59 PM PT im September 16, 2022
Nächste Woche, we’re sticking close to Joel and Ellie with photo mode portraits. Take advance of that rebuilt lighting system and share poignant portraits from The Last of Us Part I using #PSshare #PSBlog for a chance to be featured.