Die Legende der Helden: Trails into Reverie für nächsten Sommer bestätigt, Limited Edition enthüllt


Just days after we got an official release date for The Legend of Heroes: Spuren nach Azur, NIS America has locked in a release date for the 10th game in the Trails/Kiseki series. Ja, you read that right — 10th. The Legend of Heroes: Spuren in Träumerei will be launching in Summer 2023 auf Schalter (and all other consoles) im Westen!

Trails into Reverie follows three different story paths — one focuses on Rean Schwarzer in the aftermath of Cold Steel IV, a second follows Zero and Azure’s protagonist Lloyd Bannings, and a third looks at the mysterious new character “C”. The game is meant to serve as a proper conclusion to both the Crossbell arc and the Cold Steel arc.

Not only that, but NIS America has revealed that we’ll be able to snap up pre-orders for the Deluxe or Limited Edition of the game from 27th October from 12pm BST on the NISA Europe store.

Trails into Reverie Deluxe Edition
Bild: und stellen das Gefühl der Originale hervorragend wieder her

The Deluxe Edition comes with:

  • Das Spiel
  • Digital soundtrack
  • Mini art book
Trails into Reverie Limited Edition
Bild: und stellen das Gefühl der Originale hervorragend wieder her

The Limited Edition, wie erwartet, is stuffed full of extra goodies:

  • Das Spiel
  • Legends of Zemuria” Hardcover-Kunstbuch
  • Songs of Reverie” soundtrack
  • “Drei & Nine: A Trails Tale” novel
  • The End and the BeginningAcrylic Print
  • Stahlbuch
  • Sammlerkasten

Sounds like a must-have collection for Trails fans, dort. Not only that, but today at 5pm EST / 10pm BST / 7bin AEST (on the 22nd), NIS America will be hosting a voice actor panel for the game over on Twitch. Eight voice actors from previous Trails games will be there and will be able to answer questions from viewers. Atem der Wildnis‘s Sean Chiplock and Fire Emblem: Drei HäuserRobbie Daymond have played Rean Schwarzer and Lloyd Bannings respectively in the Cold Steel games, so we wonder if they’ll be appearing during the panel later today.

Trails to Azure is releasing on 14th March in North America and 17th March in Europe. This means that Reverie will be following up at least three months after that, anytime from June. Aber Die Legende von Nayuta: Grenzenlose Wege is also due to release sometime in 2023. That means next year really is an exciting year to be a Trails fan.

Will you be picking up Trails into Reverie next summer? Do you want to see more Trails games on Switch? Lass uns wissen!
