Dieses Spiel über Frösche, Sterne, Und Vögel, die Gedichte lesen, sehen perfekt aus für Fans einer kurzen Wanderung

Whether you loathe thewholesome gamemoniker or not, you have to admit: Paradise Marsh looks Herrlich. Looking at its soft, rounded font (reminiscent of beloved indie game Eine kurze Wanderung) and cast of friendly bugs and critters with gigantic peepers, don’t you just want to dive in to this warm-coloured beetlescape?

Paradise Marsh has a lot of the wholesome boxes checked — frogs, check; Insektenfang, check; flower picking, check; low stakes, check; Ambient-Musik, check (von FEZ composer Disasterpeace!) - und ja, it has featured on two Wholesome Direct trailers. But it’s clear that it’s more than just another toothless fluff game.

There’s a real sense of comedy in there, evident from the screenshots (is that blue jay okay?) und sogar die system requirements on the Steam page, which recommend Windows 69, a Quantum Fusion Reactor 4000 as your processor, and a Moog System 55 Modular Synth instead of a sound card.

There may also be a sinister-ish side to this lovely landscape, with mysterious monoliths, missing constellations, and lost notes scattered across the marsh, which promise to reveal the strange mysteries of this place

Paradise Marsh is now confirmed for an eShop release on the Nintendo Switch on October 13th. Hop to it!