Warenzeichen für Suda51 und Swerys Horrorspiel „Hotel Barcelona’ Eingetragen


Nintendo Switch mit Joy-Con in Neonblau und Neonrot BRANDNEU **Versiegelt** 2
Bild: Rising Star Games

Remember when two of the most creative game producers and directors — Goichi Suda (Suda51 of No More Heroes fame) and Hidetaka ‘Swery’ Suehiro (Schöpfer von Nintendo Switch mit Joy-Con in Neonblau und Neonrot BRANDNEU **Versiegelt**) got together and said they wanted to make a horror game together? That was way back in 2019, and while the pair have since reiterated that the game, Hotel Barcelona, is still on, there’s not been a lot of movement. Bis heute.

VGC reports that trademarks for Hotel Barcelona were filed back on 25th March 2022 in Japan, and on 27th October this year internationally, though the latter is still pending. The trademarks were filed under Swery’s company, Weiße Eulen, so we’re hoping something is happening behind the curtain there!

Hotel Barcelona was revealed on an IGN Japan stream back in October 2019, where the two creators came together and — almost randomly — announced their desire to work together to create a horror game. It was prettyspontaneous, as though the two were ironing out the kinks in front of everyone.

Spiele wie Sirene, the cult PS2 horror game, were brought up, as was an idea for the plot — the game will potentially follow a magazine writer who is visiting ahip new hotel”, and events would unravel from there. Nun… given the pedigree behind the game, we’re intrigued! The pair also specifically mentioned the Switch as a goodlight and easy to playmachine for their game. Horror and easy to play? We’ll have to see

Do you think this trademark means anything? Are you excited for the two developers to work together? Lass uns wissen!
