Ein tiefes Eintauchen in Life is Strange&Ein tiefes Eintauchen in Life is Strange 2024-2025
He also believes the industry as a whole missed the fact that the demand for a wide range of semiconductors was growing as quickly as it has been over the past few years. Auf der Oberseite, it seems like the semiconductor manufacturers have understood what’s going on and they’re investing heavily in making sure that they can meet demand, both in the near term and longer term. Interessant, he also mentions how hard it is, even for a company like TSMC, to progress their nodes today. He’s quoted saying “Before, we could achieve the next-generation node by fine-tuning the process, but now for every generation we must find new ways in terms of transistor architecture, Materialien, processes, und Werkzeuge. In the past, it’s pretty much been a major optical shrink, but that’s no longer a simple trick.” Es sieht so aus, als müssten sich die Halbleiterhersteller etwas Neues einfallen lassen, innovative Wege, um in nicht allzu ferner Zukunft immer bessere und schnellere Halbleiter herstellen zu können.