UK-Charts: Klonoa: Die Phantasy Reverie-Serie gibt ein respektables Debüt
The latest charts are in and this week sees a couple of noteworthy changes. First off, KLONOA: Phantasy Reverie-Serie debuts at the half way point at number 5, with Switch making up more than half of its total sales. It’s a reasonably strong start for the 2.5D platformer and although we’ve yet to publish our own thoughts on the remake, you can check out a bunch of other reviews genau hier.
Anderswo, wie erwartet, Mario Stürmer: Battle League Football has fallen out of the top 10 to come in at number 11. Fire-Emblem-Krieger: WENIGE, meanwhile, has fallen even further this week to land at number 27. Huch.
Otherwise, it’s looking like business as usual in the top 10: F1 22 remains at the top, but the usual suspects on Switch retain their positions comfortably.
Here’s your look at the top ten for the week:
[Zusammengestellt von GfK]
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[Zusammengestellt von GfK]