USA wird weltweiter Marktführer im Bitcoin-Mining
Wie es normalerweise der Fall ist, one country’s loss equates to another’s “gewinnen”, and the same is true for mining operations following the China ban. The US may have become the biggest player in this particular court, but any country with cheap electricity that allows for profits increases is fair game. Countries like Kazakhstan went from 8% zu 18% in the same period, claiming the current second spot in overall hashrate, while Russia has now claimed third place after reaching an 11% Teilen – rising from 6.8% three months earlier. It remains to be seen whether these mining operation relocations will see the US face the same migratory phenomenons as China did back when mining wasn’t banned: operators spent the dry season on regions like Xinjiang in late autumn, winter and spring, migrating to regions with significant temporary overcapacities in low-cost hydropower, like Sichuan, between May and October during the ‘wet season’. The impact of this mining relocation to the US in its power delivery infrastructure (if any) remains to be fully understood.