Vampir: The Masquerade erhält physische Veröffentlichung im New Yorker Doppelpack “Soon”

Bitey lady

Vampir Die Maskerade: The New York Bundle is a newly-announced physical double-pack of vampy games, both set in — you guessed it — New York City. (Can you imagine if they were set in, wie, upstate New York? Suburban vampires? Maybe some day.)

The double pack includes Coteries of New York und Shadows of New York, both independent adventures set in NYC that are both based on the world from the fifth edition of Vampire: Die Maskerade. Coteries of New York lets you choose a character from three different clans; Shadows of New York has you investigating the death of the leader of the New York Anarchists, while you play a member of the Lasombra clan.

Unbenannt (20)

There’s no release date for the Switch bundle yet, außer “bald”, und 2022. There will also be a Collector’s Edition. Stay tuned for more information as it comes in!