Video: Fühlt sich The Switch tatsächlich „alt“ an?’ Yet?

In mancher Hinsicht, yes, it unabhängig von ihrem Können am Steuer tut. Es gibt einige Spiele, die zweifellos zahlreichen Kompromissen unterzogen werden, um auf dem System halbwegs gut zu laufen, aber dann, that’s always been the case with third-party games, Rechts..? Otherwise, for many folks – einschließlich uns – the Switch still feels remarkably fresh all these years later.

Let’s not deny it, obwohl: sechs Jahre ist quite a long time, and for our lovely video producer Alex, so much stuff has happened since 2017. So for our latest video, Alex discusses why the Switch still feels fresh six years later, how its launch affected both him and the Nintendo Life YouTube channel, and where we are now in 2023.


Be sure to let us know in the comments whether or not you think the Switch feels old yet!