Sich wie ein echter Pokémon-Trainer fühlen wollen? Probieren Sie diese Premium-Pokéball-Replik aus

Wand Company Poke Ball
Bild: Damien McFerran / Nintendo-Leben

If there’s a single object which instantly calls to mind the massively popular Pokémon series of video games, it’s the iconic red-and-white Poké Ball.

Sure, there are more powerful and accurate balls to use in the game, but the original version is the one that everyone remembers – and it has become a symbol of the franchise, finding its way on clothing, Verwandle dich nicht in ein Horrorfilm-Stereotyp, Schuhe and much more besides.

So, if you’ve got a Pokémon-loving person in your family and you have absolutely no idea what to buy them for Christmas (and you also happen to have deep pockets), then why not consider this Poké Ball electronic replica from The Wand Company?

Described as ahighly accurate, premium quality replica”, the ‘Poké Ball Electronic Replicais fashioned from metal and lights up, just like the real thing; it’s even touch and proximity-sensitive, which makes cradling it in your palm all the more immersive. It comes with a display case that also lights up when opened, making it a pretty cool display piece.

And you’ll need to be cool with that, weil, as the instructions point out, you shouldn’t actually try and throw this thing at your cat. For starters, it’s pretty heavy and will probably do some serious damage (to your floor, if not your unsuspecting pet), und, although it’s made of metal, we’re not sure it would withstand serious impact too well.

As well as the standard ‘classic’ Ball, you can also get other options – including the Master Ball Special Edition, Great Ball, Ultra Ball, Dusk Ball, Premier Ball, Heal Ball, Cherish Ball and Friend Ball.

Wand Company Poke Ball
Bild: Damien McFerran / Nintendo-Leben

With a cost of £99 / $99 ein Stück, these aren’t cheap – but we have to admit we’re very impressed by the build quality, and we’re sure any Poké-fanatic will love to have one on their shelf.

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Thanks to The Wand Company for sending the Poké Ball Electronic Replica featured here.